Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Competence and confidence

Tim emails me "...does this apply to what we've been talking about lately?"


Here's more.

These days, we're short on confidence and long on experience. 

"Good judgement comes from experience.  
Experience comes from bad judgement."
--Mark Twain

Let's hope we make it to some good judgement and confidence eventually.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Here's Dart

We've decided on a name for our new buckling- 
d'Artagnan, the young man who wanted to join 
the Three Musketeers.
Dart for short.

Here's Dart's first 'trip' outside.

Check him out!

Monday, April 13, 2015

The long awaited first goat kid

R Farm is proud to present

our first goat kid!

He was born on Thursday, April 9, while we were all gone.
He was chilled and spent an afternoon warming under close supervision while it hailed loudly on the greenhouse.

He started limp but once he warmed up, he got some good milk into him and has been thriving every since.
We're working on a name.  
It's taking a little longer than hoped.
It's important to get right.

 His mom Black Beauty aka 'Thunder Hips' before delivery

 nearly as wide as she was long and tall.
Here she is keeping him close while warming.
She's a good mom.
Way to go, Beauty!
Welcome, little guy!

Saturday, April 11, 2015


Hi, this is Anjali, Amy's daughter and guest blogger.
So one day me and my mom were at the post office to find where the boarder of Chisago and lindstrom the lady at the counter said go over to Tim at the Swedish village mall.    

S0 here we are

The Swedish village mall here to accommodate all of your needs  

Except the open signs are broken 

Every open sign is broken

 Ooo what pretty red an blue lights but what are they saying

The beer signs are working Imagine that and oh wait so is the bait sign  

So we found something new about this town. They only maintain the beer and bait signs.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Mark graduates

Check out Mark, his special partner Gramma Bonnie, and his new grown-up square dance nametag.

Now all four of us have completed square dance lessons.

Here's our graduating class and our teacher, Larry.

Super fun and the nicest people around.

Way to go, Mark!