Monday, June 10, 2013

Survivor Garden

This garden deserves a post of its own for sheer perseverance.

These plants are from my old healing garden in Minneapolis.  They survived there and I wanted to bring them here.  By the time I finally dug them up late, late last fall, deep into the drought, they were all withered.  Even my Survivor Mint looked brittle and brown.  It was going to snow a lot.  I was unprepared but I borrowed a shovel to dig them up, found what I could, and called Anjali to prep a hole. 

I pulled in after dark.  She had dug a hole next to the big rock.  In the van's headlights, with snow flying I pushed them in and covered their roots without much hope really.  I'd waited too long and expected too much even for them.  Then the snow overtook everything.

Spring came late and fitfully this year with frequent snow storms into April.  My garden showed no signs of life and I lamented its demise.  Didn't know it last fall, but I'd planted them in the worst soil on our property, this heavy clay mess. 

Then one day, Tim was showing me his berry bushes and he stepped back into purple flowers.  I cheered- it's chives!  No sign of anything else but one had lived.  And it was good.  I believed it would be enough.  He marked it with a pink flag so he'd remember not to step on it again.

We've had the anti-drought May and June, with rain every 1-3 days.  And miraculously, everything I planted- chives, garlic chives, sage, spearmint, and spiderwort- everything is sprouting!

Just like me.  

My eyes are full of tears and I am filled with wonder and gratitude. 
More than enough.
Praise be for survivors!

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