Monday, September 16, 2013

Eggs of our very own

Drum roll, please.
Introducing the very first dozen eggs of our very own!

We've been collecting for almost two weeks now, 
one to three eggs per day, 
ranging in color from a light pinkish tan to brown to green.  

We know that the majority of the hens are laying out under the trees somewhere and despite tracking and watching, 
the kids haven't been able to find their secret nesting sites.  
I've been waiting for a number of pieces to come together to get them laying in spots we can find, 
preferably in the assigned nesting boxes.  
The suspense is getting to me.

We've decided to take all our licks at once and move coops, introduce new hens, and confine within fencing the first weekend in October.

Hopefully, within a month, we'll be gathering several dozen a day.

This morning, I served scrambled eggs sauteed with Swiss chard from my garden.
A year in the making and oh, so satisfying.
This time next year, I'll make it with my own onions and goat cheese, too.

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