My neighbors have urged me not to take the deer thing personally. These things happen, they tell me. Deer are dumb. All one can do is drive more cautiously.
This is wise and sensible advice based on decades of country living experience.
I'm having a hard time accepting it, though.
This is my third deer incident in two months (here's 1 and 2). I had no idea going into this homesteading adventure that the things I would become most proficient at this winter would be hiking up and down my driveway, knocking the ice out of my chickens' water bowl, and picking up the pieces after deer accidents.
Is it my van, Traveler? Is the black shiny color too camouflaged in the dark? Should I try a brighter color? Maybe those deer whistle repellant things? Or maybe paint glow-in-the-dark predator eyes on it?
Ginger recommended that I take the deer crossing signs off my van.
Maybe a cow catcher like train engines have?
Or maybe deer hide silhouettes on Traveler's sides, like notches on a gun slinger's belt?
Heck, maybe I should try a Humvee or a small tank?
Tim won't let me drive his car. "Bad things happen to vehicles when you drive." Jinxed.
Angela and Megan pointed out that the rear of my van is still undented. Wait for it. Wait for it.
Yep, taking it personally.
Aggie, my walking buddy neighbor, weighed in saying that rather than get a humvee, I should keep my van since it has been in three significant accidents this last year with no injuries. She believes I should drive it until it won't run anymore.
So, here's to Traveler- faithful minivan, wounded warrior.
Wear your zip ties and mangled plastic with pride!
You have kept me and my loved ones safe through it all.
I salute you!
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