Monday, June 2, 2014

How are the goats?

It's spring.
Everything is green making for one big goat buffet

which makes keeping them contained in small runs even sadder.

Tim's been working out a system to let them browse around 
several hours a day tethered by leashes

while also working diligently on putting up fencing so they can have paddocks to browse and run in.

I let them out yesterday while I was gardening.
I got them back in by shaking their pellet food container and pouring a miniscule amount in their feeder.
Sunshine is recovering nicely from an abscess on her shoulder.  
If you look closely in the photo above, 
it's right below Tim's left thumb.
Apparently, abscesses are very common in goats.
We had it cultured and it's a bacteria abbreviated CL
which is highly contagious among goats.
Because the bacteria hides within the immune system, 
the testing allows only positive results.  
So it is possible to say, "Sunshine has CL."  
But it is not possible to say definitively, 
"Sunshine does not have CL."
It's not life-threatening except if an abscess compromises an internal organ which is rare.

The vet taught Anjali to give shots so Sunshine has been receiving antibiotics.
Kifah came over, helped clean out the abscess, 
and then packed the wound with a homemade herbal concoction.  Totally impressive.
And something we'll need to be able to do as the need arises.

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