Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Emergency Room Art

Back around Thanksgiving, 
Mark had a high fever for several days 
so we eventually wound up in the emergency room 
after the urgent care closed for the day.  

In the waiting room were a grampa and several grandchildren
waiting while another family member got checked out.

A dear girl, 1st grade-ish, and the grampa 
struck up a conversation with us.
We passed a pleasant half an hour chatting, adults and kids.

She drew me some art which I share with you 
in her spirit of friendship and happiness.

I was struck by how friendly these kids were 
in what might have been a tense situation.

Grampa was mellow and doting and very proud.
The kids played with over-tired energy 
and yet remained responsive to his calming instructions.

They played with a face mask or two 
from the flu prevention supplies by the door 
and the receptionists never even glanced up.

They were welcome.

 I have experienced a significant cultural change 
in moving to the country. 

Different generations interact more.
Kids seem more connected, more welcome, more expected in the adult world. 
And conversely, adults are more welcome in the kid world.

And more art gets drawn for me in emergency rooms.

I think this is worth celebrating and 
I intend to blog more about my experiences.

I'm happy to report Mark made a full recovery,
 despite being accidentally and repeatedly poisoned by his mom 
who gave him corn syrup in the over-the-counter fever med.
The poor guy's allergic to corn syrup.
I'll read the labels from now on, promise.

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