Wednesday, June 26, 2013


For 2013 there are a few things which will stay undone.

I bought some seeds and some started plants from Richters, a Canadian herb company extraordinaire. They have many unusual varieties.  I took some chances on some rare items, pushing the envelope on zones for nifty options, and some didn't work out.  Maybe from the long shipping or from the zone change or from the prolonged cold spring or quite possibly from user error, these plants came undone- they all died in their little pots.

Thyme, Orange Spice
Oregano, Profusion
Marjoram, Variegated
Thyme, Silver
Thyme, Purple Carpet

It's such a bummer.  I kept tending the pots to see if they'd bounce back, but no.  And having a bunch of dead plants next to my live sprouts was a sad reminder.  Tossing them was so final.  Bummer.

Also undone, I'm saving for next year seeds that didn't get started indoors:
Calendula, Calypso Orange
Marjoram, Common
Savory, Winter

Feels good to intentionally wait for these.  They didn't get started indoors like they need and next spring I'll give them first dibs.

On a positive note, almost everything else we tried- bought in pot or home sprouted- survived the hardening off process and made it into the ground!  Some didn't germinate as well but out of 80 kinds of seeds planted indoors or bought in pots, fewer than 8 were flops.  And of well over 100 kinds of seeds (heck, it might be 150- I didn't count) only these 3 won't make it in the ground.

Not bad for Year 1.

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